Sunday 18 December 2011

Don't be afraid of failure.

What's one thing which is holding you back from achieving your dreams or goals. It may be to write a book, get a romantic partner, create a product, make friends or trying out a new sport. Is it that voice in your head going "it's not going to work," lack of effort, or too much dreaming and not enough doing? Whatever it may be, don't let a fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your goals and dreams.

It's a humbling experience each time I've failed at something in life. It always is. Life isn't always a gift basket where you can take out something new to make you happy. It took me three years of mediocre school grades before I finally kicked into gear at university and worked tirelessly to maintain an adequate commitment to everything I'd welcomed through the door. Not all of these would have gotten so much care had my parents not informed me how the juggling act doesn't get hard until you surprise yourself. After failing to reach the distance the first time, I managed to successfully complete a marathon second time around. Failure to complete something which became my dreams, goals and life were not an option.

Sometimes in your life you will be dreaming up something grand, aspiring towards a goal, or thinking deeply on a facet of your life which you really want to break out into something new. How often does this happen with you? It may be from time to time or everyday. But there's a force field holding you back. A force field which sends you back into idle thinking. The force field of fear. So often we are scared to try something out in the fear we will be unsuccessful at it. The thought of having fingers pointed and "I told you so" can dangerously control our risk taking.

Don't ever let a fear of failure hold you back from trying out something, be it your goals, lifelong dreams, or anything. When you fail you learn. Mistakes must be made in life so that you know for next time how to go about achieving something in a smarter way. Failure pushes you over so you can get stronger each time you get up. If it's your dream to write a book then stick at it. If you fail to finish it, don't worry. You know for next time how you can write it all the way to the end. When a new sport is on your horizon, don't be discouraged if you cost your team the game; accept that you have failed in certain areas and train harder to correct the mistakes you made.

Failure makes us stronger, failure helps us to learn from mistakes, failure helps us realise that there's a lot of hard work ahead of us. It's important not to be afraid of failure. Make failure afraid of you.